Thursday, March 12, 2009

Eating Down the Fridge

If you've been following the food blogging trends as of late, you may have noticed this little challenge--to skip a week of grocery shopping and subsist on what you have in the fridge, freezer, and pantry. From what I can tell, it started over at eGullet at the end of February, where it was called "national eat the stuff in our freezers and pantries week." I've seen it mentioned on quite a few other blogs, but when I saw that A Mighty Appetite (Kim O'Donnel's Washington Post food blog) was hosting an "Eating Down the Fridge" week starting March 9, I thought it would be fun to participate.

And by fun, I mean I thought that if I was participating in an external challenge, I might be able to control my urge to stop at the moderately expensive grocer on the way home every day. I have to say, having this food blog has certainly exacerbated my grocery shopping habit. I can't tell you how many times I go to the store just to buy one or two (or ok, maybe ten) things just to make a particular recipe I've been wanting to try.

So this week I've been saving some money, rotating out some long-stashed food, and putting together some creative, if not blog-worthy, meals. And I haven't been to the grocery store for anything.

Thus far I've made the two loaves of bread, a chocolate-stout cake (which I planned to post, until I destroyed it while frosting it--delicious but hideous), tuna pasta salad, and pulled pork. I defrosted half of a pork shoulder that I've had in the freezer since the fall, rubbed it down with a brown sugar and spice mixture, and dropped it in the crock pot to cook while I was at work. I used about half of the pulled pork on these bar-b-que sliders, served on left over dinner rolls from last week that were getting dangerously close to the crouton stage.

Next week we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming.


muddywaters said...

Thanks for posting this challenge. We occasionally do this for a few days because it pains me to throw out leftovers.

Thanks for sharing.

I'm interested in the stout cake recipe. I just purchased some Guinness to make a Guinness Beef Pie for St. Patrick's day, and I thought about making a dessert with the Guinness. I wonder if I could do a bread pudding with a Guinness dessert sauce?

Kim said...

I love the idea of eating down the fridge. I have seen a lot of simliar ideas on blogs. One lady let her husband chose 5 ingredients and she had make a meal out of it. Great idea!!

noel said...

i love eating down the fridge... it's one of my favorite creative challenges. in fact, i'm doing it right now which is why i'm browsing recipes to get some ideas going.